Dental Bonding

Krause Comprehensive Dental Care Office seats, located in Montville, NJ

What is Dental Bonding?

Bonding is a common cosmetic procedure that can be done comfortably in our office. Unlike other treatments, bonding typically doesn't require any type of anesthetic to complete. Bonding uses a material known as composite resin to carefully fill in gaps, spaces and chipped areas for a beautifully finished smile. Depending on each particular case, most bonding work can last from a few years up to a decade before it should be replaced with new material.

Dental Bonding Montville

Why would you want or need Dental Bonding?

One of the key reasons for needing bonding work is because you either have gaps and spaces between your teeth or you've chipped a tooth. Bonding is done purely for cosmetic reasons, though it can be beneficial for patients whose teeth are sharp and jagged. Rather than live with an imperfect smile, composite resin can and should be used to improve the teeth. You'll love the way your smile looks after having bonding work done.

What makes a patient a candidate for Dental Bonding?

We will examine your teeth carefully before determining if bonding is right for you. Most of our patients who either want or need bonding can successfully have it placed. If the tooth is severely damaged or if you're experiencing pain, other treatments may be necessary. Older bonding material can be easily replaced by our team in the office.

Dental Bonding Montville, NJ
What is Dental Bonding?

What can you expect during Dental Bonding?

For most teeth, we use our laser to remove any old bonding or decay, smooth out rough edges, and condition the surface of the tooth in need of bonding work. This helps the composite to stick onto the tooth better. We match the color of the resin before placing it on the tooth itself. From there, the resin is shaped and smoothed before being cured with a bright dental light. Depending on your particular case, you can expect the new bonding material to last from a few years up to a decade before it may begin to show signs of wear and damage. Bonding can be brushed and flossed around normally to keep the teeth healthy.

If you are interested in dental bonding, Krause Comprehensive Dental Care provides dental bonding for residents in Montville, NJ and the surrounding areas of Boonton, Fairfield, Hanover and Denton, NJ. Call us today and our friendly staff members can get you scheduled with an appointment.

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