Dental Cleaning and Exams

Krause Comprehensive Dental Care Office seats, located in Montville, NJ

What are Dental Exams & Cleanings?

Keeping your teeth healthy and clean requires more than diligent brushing and flossing at home. In many cases, plaque will build upon different areas of the teeth, hardening into a chalky white substance known as tartar. The only safe way to remove tartar buildup is with a professional cleaning performed by a dentist or registered hygienist. Exams and x-rays are necessary as well, since they give us a view of your dental and oral health to prevent any issues from getting worse.

Dental Cleaning Montville

Why are Dental Exams & Cleanings necessary?

Even with the best brushing habits, plaque and tartar can still accumulate in hard-to-reach places, so you can still benefit from a professional cleaning. Exams are just as necessary, since they can alert us of minor problems so that treatment is not only easier and more effective, but also less costly. Cleanings, along with good home care, help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay when done regularly. It's never too late to start taking better care of your smile with routine preventative treatment.

How often should you come in for Dental Exams & Cleanings?

Depending on your oral health status, we recommend coming into our office once every three to six months to keep up with your dental health. If you have children, try to get them in for their first appointment as soon as possible. If it's been a long time since your last cleaning, it's never too late to start loving your smile. We offer care in a judgment-free and relaxed manner.

Dental Cleaning Montville, NJ
What are Dental Exams & Cleanings?

What can you expect at your dental exam & cleaning appointment?

The appointment will begin with a professional cleaning and any necessary x-rays. This is performed by a licensed registered dental hygienist who uses special instruments to clear away plaque and tartar buildup and surface stains. Your teeth are then polished and carefully flossed before the gums are checked for signs of inflammation or infection. Once the cleaning has been completed, one of the dentists will come in to perform the exam. The exam allows us to check for signs of tooth decay, loose or broken restorations and even oral cancer. To make your future appointments easier, we'll pre-schedule them before you leave the office.

If you are interested in having your teeth cleaned, Krause Comprehensive Dental Care offers exams and cleanings for residents in Montville, NJ and the surrounding areas of Boonton, Fairfeld, Hanover and Denton, NJ.

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