Dental Fillings

Krause Comprehensive Dental Care Office seats, located in Montville, NJ

What is a Dental Filling?

A dental filling is a restoration that is specifically used to fill in an area of one or more teeth that have become decayed. Dental decay, known as a cavity, can infiltrate a tooth and cause it to become weak. Over time, the decay essentially eats into the tooth to reach the inner pulp. Before the decay is allowed to get to this point, it's removed and replaced with a tooth-colored composite resin filling.

Dental Fillings Montville

Why might a Dental Filling be needed?

If you ignore a cavity long enough, the tooth will eventually get infected and require a root canal. This can cause the tooth to become weakened over time and usually requires a crown for reinforcement. In order to essentially protect the tooth and get rid of the underlying decay, we recommend having a filling placed. Fillings are simple restorations that can be matched to the color of your existing smile.

Who is a candidate for Dental Fillings?

In many cases, you won't know you have a cavity until you come in for an exam. During the exam, we use a special instrument to look for dark areas or soft spots in a tooth. X-rays further help us in identifying these trouble areas. If you have a cavity, it's recommended that it be filled sooner rather than later.

Dental Fillings Montville, NJ
What is a Dental Filling?

What happens during the Dental Filling process?

We first numb the area of the mouth needing the filling. In some cases, we can avoid numbing by using our laser. The decay is then removed from the tooth completely. The next step is to prepare the tooth for the new composite filling. We do this by applying an etching gel into the tooth, washing it away and then applying the bonding adhesive and composite resin. The resin is cured and hardened with a special dental light. We can place multiple fillings in the same area, and we recommend coming in for treatment as soon as it's found that you have a cavity.

If you think you might need a dental filling, Krause Comprehensive Dental Care offers dental filling services for residents in Montville, NJ and the surrounding areas of Boonton, Fairfeld, Hanover and Denton, NJ. If you want to know more about the procedure, call our office today and one of our friendly team members will be happy to help.

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