Gummy Smile

Krause Comprehensive Dental Care Office seats, located in Montville, NJ

What is Gummy Smile Treatment?

If you have a gummy smile, you know how difficult it can be to feel confident in the way that you look. Fortunately, a simple and common oral surgery can help to enhance your smile and expose more surface of your teeth. This procedure is known as crown lengthening, or gummy smile treatment. It involves removing excess gum tissue from around the teeth, contouring the way that the teeth look and revealing more tooth surface.

Gummy Smile Treatment Montville

Why is Gummy Smile Treatment needed?

Gummy smile treatment is specifically done as a cosmetic procedure. This surgery helps to expose more of your front teeth, which creates a larger, brighter and more natural-looking smile. The procedure can be done on both pediatric as well as adult patients as needed. With your newfound confidence, you'll find that you smile more often and are more willing to talk to people.

Who is a candidate for Gummy Smile Treatment?

We can help in determining if you might need gummy smile treatment with an exam. Most patients who want to transform their smiles are good candidates for the procedure. Because the procedure is done quickly and easily right here in our office, you can feel confident in having it performed. Children, teens and adults can all benefit from gummy smile treatment when it is needed.

Gummy Smile Treatment Montville, NJ
What is Gummy Smile Treatment?

What happens during Gummy Smile Treatment?

The first step to performing a crown lengthening surgery is to numb the mouth in the area where the work is being done. We then remove the excess gum tissue from around the teeth. This can often be accomplished with our laser using minimal numbing. The gums are contoured to create a natural look. You will then be given aftercare instructions to help keep the area clean and healthy while it heals. Your gums will then heal naturally over the course of the next few weeks and you'll have a beautifully bright smile to show off as a result. Gummy smile treatment is an easy, quick and beneficial procedure that can enhance your confidence.

If you have a gummy smile and would like to learn more about our treatment options, call us now and we can help to answer all of your questions.

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