Root Canals

Krause Comprehensive Dental Care Office seats, located in Montville, NJ

What are Root Canals?

A root canal is a procedure that involves taking out the entire pulp of a tooth. Each of your teeth has a pulp, which is often called the nerve. If this pulp becomes infected by decay or is damaged in any way, it will need to be removed. You will find that an infected pulp becomes painful until it is properly removed.

Root Canals Montville

Why would a Root Canal be needed?

The main reason a root canal may be necessary is because a tooth has become infected by decay. If a tooth has broken severely, it might have exposed the crack fully, causing a lot of sensitivity and pain. In order to eliminate this pain, we recommend that the pulp be removed as soon as possible. This can even prevent an infection from developing as a result of leaving the pulp in place.

Who is a candidate for Root Canals?

The best way to determine if a root canal is needed is with an examination. We may take x-rays to better identify areas of decay or to see if a pulp has been impacted by a break or crack in the tooth. It is recommended that if you need a root canal, it be done as soon as possible to prevent problems. Our goal is to provide you with a healthy, pain-free smile as soon as possible.

Root Canals Montville, NJ
What are Root Canals?

What happens during the Root Canal procedure?

The process starts with local anesthetic, which is used to numb an area of the mouth. We then work to remove the decay from the tooth and take out the diseased pulp tissue. The canals of the tooth are cleaned thoroughly with the help of our laser and filled so that they do not become infected. Once this is done, we will recommend crowning the tooth to keep it fully protected. The root canal procedure typically takes one to two hours in our office and can help alleviate the pain associated with a toothache. Occasionally patients may have some post-operative soreness in the area that is usually treatable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

If you would like to learn more about root canals and how they're performed, call us today and we can help to answer any of your questions.

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